AURA INSIGHTS---(formerly Rainbow Reflections of the Soul)

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Ramona and Friend's aura picture

These photos are great examples of how two people's or a person and their pet's energy individual energies can interact and create a different energy field that will afford beneficial influences that are not created by their individual energy alone. Notice how, in these first three, the two individuals are fairly similar, but when they are photographed together, the combined energy is completely different!! And, in the 4 photos below, once again, the synergy of M and her co-worker are quite different than they each are separately, AND when M is with her dog it sure changes!!!

Ramona and friend together

M. in aura photo alone

M. and her dog together

M's coworker B. alone

M. and her co-worker B. together

Taking Aura Photos throughout New England, and the U.S.!