Looking at your aura photo, you can tell what new energies are coming in for you, so that you can take
advantage by making beneficial choices for your future. Next, we can explore the vibration of your soul energy,
this is the color that best exemplifies your personality traits and can offer offer insights into career and other important
life choices. We can also look as to what energy you are emitting, in other words, "How do people really see you?"
Other insights that we can glean from your photo may be such things as spirit guides and information on how you are communicating
with others.
"Ramona's service can give you insight
into your true nature and perhaps give you that extra nudge or affirmation you need to pursue your true desires." J. Schwartz
"Having our aura photos done was a blast! My daughters and
I each had our aura photo done individually, and then all together. Ramona then explained to us how our energies told us about
ourselves, how our energies interacted, and how they affected one another. Ramona's insight was fun, informative, and enlighted.
Incredible!" W. Doherty
"Ramona's explanation of my aura photo helped me put two and
two together to understand what experiences are happening in my life." Fred Lorman

PRICES: (depending on location; subject to change)
Aura Photos with Interpretation: $45-$65
"Before & After" Photos (2 photos, same person): $90-$130
Pet Aura Photo with Interpretation: $50-65
Interactive/Chakra Aura Sessions
15 minute session, 2-3 page report with 1 image: $45-$55
30 minute session, 2-3 page report with 1 image: $60-$65
15 minute session, 5-8 page report with 3 images: $60-$65
30 minute session, 5-8 page report with 3 images: $75-$80
Hold an Aura Party!! Prices and minimum amount of participants vary according to how far I have to travel, but usually
the photo cost is $50-55. I am happy to give a 20-30 minute talk about aura photos and explain sample aura photos before taking
the participants photos--the whole thing is LOTS OF FUN!
Commit to having an energy session with Ramona once a month for a year, and have before and after photos taken each
time! It's amazing to be able to see the differences! Ramona offers the energy work for this at 1/2 price so this is a big
savings over a year's time! Example: 2 photos at $90, plus an hour of Reiki at $30 (instead of $60) for $120 a month, you
save $360 over the year! Take a look at my facebook page as I start to show one woman's journey over the past six months,
and into the next 6 months!
Ramona hasn't written in her blog for quite some time (!) but there are examples of before and after photos there as well!
About Ramona
Ramona, the former owner of a new-age store, The Whirling Dervish in West Lebanon, NH, has been taking aura photos
for over 28 years. She is always learning more about color meanings and is currently learning about using color
in healing. In addition to aura photography, she does past-life regressions, Enlightenment card readings, tarot readings,
reiki, and works with tachyon energy, and NOW, Colorpuncture Sessions!
"Like" me on Facebook!: Aura Insights Aura Photography
I am willing to barter!
These are some things I'm interested in: firewood, raw organic honey,
maple syrup, fresh vegetables, massage, house cleaning and yardwork, housepainting and scraping, learning more about
computer "stuff" and MORE! Just ask to see if your offering is something I need!!
Ramona Nault, Aura Insights
by phone: cell, 802-673-9471
my address: 752 Wheeler Mountain Road
Taking Aura Photos throughout New England, and the U.S.!